Happy New Year! Wow, 2020 has been quite a year. It has been an intense year for most, if not all. The beginning of a new year is a great time to self-reflect on the triumphs and challenges you experienced in 2020.
Where do you begin? Keeping in mind the times of this challenging year of uncertainty; First, start with your triumphs; thinking back over this year, what comes to mind for you in terms of accomplishments, insights, and successes?
Here are some questions you can start with:
- What new discoveries did you learn about yourself?
- What accomplishment are you most proud of that transpired this year for you?
- What were the most useful insights that came to you over this year?
- What were your most accomplished successes, in spite of the difficulties?
- What ways did you develop the resilience that has strengthened you moving forward?
Let's take a look at your challenges; here are some questions you can start with:
- What was the number-one challenge you faced this year?
- What was the best approach you used to manage that challenge?
- What other challenges did you reconcile?
- What did you discover as your best asset in relation to the challenging year of 2020?
- What did you need the most during the uncertainty of the times?
- What are the ways you fulfilled those needs?
Every year has its own triumphs and challenges, with the passing year it has been a year that has not happened in our lifetime; up until now. Your ability to embrace uncertainty, reconcile your challenges, and discover your best assets in the face of the past year will forever be with you to carry forward with new confidence and self-assurance. Take note and build on your accomplishments, insights, and successes; You got this!
#welcome2021 #triumphs #challenges #selfreflection #accomplishments #insights #successes #uncertainty #embracinguncertainty #selfassurance #newyear #newawareness #newconfidence #selfinquirycoach #soulwriting82
Great article and this gave me food for thought. I'm going to take one or two of your questions daily and really think about them. I have a habit of focusing on the "big" triumphs but I think celebrating the small things is just is just as important. A small thing I can celebrate is overcoming a tech problem that I figured out by myself, it feels so good when this is accomplished! Another small thing that I became aware of was when someone recognizes and expresses the effort and thought you put into what you gave them.